Authors: benedikt


Passwords are one of my favourite topics! There's so much you can do wrong when working with passwords. Here are some best practices on how to manage passwords.


You may have heard the term 'Micro Service'.
Shortly summarized it coins for a very small (as in features) application often providing an API that can be used by another app or service.
So, what about when you add a simple frontend to the pile?


Working remotely causes some challenges, especially on a hardware level. To increase the quality of video calls I levelled up my computer setup. Here are some of the equipment I bought.


Ok first of all this is my first article with using a clickbait title. I wanted to see for myself what difference it made.
And now back to the topic: Since I have been working remotely for about 2 years now I wanted to share some of my experiences. As well as things that I could have done better when starting and things that went well from the beginning.


Seit Längerem wollte ich schon über den guten und nicht so guten Umgang mit Passwörtern bzw. der Authentifizierung im Allgemeinen schreiben.
Hier sind nun meine Überlegungen, natürlich auch mit Verweisen.
Hoffentlich kann es dem einen oder anderen bei der Applikationsentwicklung und dem Umgang mit Passwörtern helfen.


Da hosteurope leider bisher nicht let's encrypt für die webpack- oder andere managed Pakete in automatisierter Form anbietet,
muss man sich mit einem manuellen Erstellen des account-keys sowie dem Zertifikat behelfen.
Wie das geht, was dabei zu beachten ist und wie man das zumindest zum Teil automatisieren kann, findet sich in diesem Artikel.


Ähnliche Auswertungen oder Forschungen gab es ja schon häufiger, aber ich finde, man kann nicht häufig genug darauf hinweisen, welches die am meisten genutzten Passwörter sind.
Und wenn man sich so im Bekanntenkreis umhört (bzw. es teilweise unfreiwillig erzählt bekommt), dann sind die Ergebnisse ganz gut nachzuvollziehen...


Since Chrome/Chromium sometimes does not seem to handle profiles correctly, I had trouble making the Browser usable again without losing all of my settings. Here are some tips how it might work.


I wrote a Google Chrome Browser extension as well as an Android App which enable the user to handle more secure passwords with more ease. It's based on J. Coglan's great work you can find at


For a long time I always had an HTPC as a hobby. I built multiple versions. Here is a description of my last one.


WordPress can be great for bigger multiuser projects, but it can be a pain optimizing for content and small assets (as in javascript, images and stylesheets) as well. So I had been planning moving to some alternative. Eventually I wrote it myself and here is the result.