After saving a lot of companies during COVID-19 many companies picked working from home as their new bargaining topic and declare remote work or workers as the reason for bad economics.
Tags: remote
Derzeit stoße ich auf einige Studien und Artikel, die sich des Themas Homeoffice zu Zeiten der Pandemie annehmen.
Meiner Meinung nach sind diese häufig (in die eine oder andere Richtung) tendenziös, weshalb ich hier mit einigen Missverständnissen aufräumen möchte.
Working remotely causes some challenges, especially on a hardware level. To increase the quality of video calls I levelled up my computer setup. Here are some of the equipment I bought.
Ok first of all this is my first article with using a clickbait title. I wanted to see for myself what difference it made.
And now back to the topic: Since I have been working remotely for about 2 years now I wanted to share some of my experiences. As well as things that I could have done better when starting and things that went well from the beginning.